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Squeeze Bottles


Every kitchen needs an assortment of squeeze bottles.  We buy a lot of foods for the convenience of their packaging, but better quality and better health can be yours by bailing on the brand and buying the bottle!

Squeeze bottles are one of the Jazz Chef essentials. They give you control and form of thicker liquids to decorate plates when plating food, and they are handy for things like a house made ketchup, or mayonnaise or aioli, house made salad dressings or a specialty sauce or condiment!

When making foods that need precise amounts of liquids or oils added, like a mayo/aioli, you want it in a squeeze bottle.

Grab a few of multiple sizes because you will have different storage and usage needs.  For anything thick, like a ketchup or a mayo, the wide-mouth bottles are easier to get things into.

They’re a great cost-plus item. Sure, there are lots of fancy storage gizmos out there, but squeeze bottles are relatively inexpensive and, if they get damaged in some way, they drop right into the recycling bin and you grab a new one.

Our recommended vendors for squeeze bottles are and

To learn more about our recommended vendors, purveyors, and Choicestuff™, click here.

The Jazz Chef
the authorThe Jazz Chef
Educating chef, managing editor, writer, blogger, filmmaker documentarian AND... in charge of the sheep dip. Ay-men!

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