
We want you to come home.

The Jazz Chef welcomes you to come home… to his new home. Built in 1925, on the National Register of Historic Places, we call it:

The Epic West Palm Beach.

Enjoy all that Southeastern Florida has to offer. Come to come learn how to make great food at home, from one of the world’s top improvisational home chefs in our kitchen, which may be a lot like your own.

The current space available is private, and lovely, but LIMITED.

What do you want to learn to take
your cuisine to a new level?

One-on-One or small group (3 max) classes begin in October.

Details soon on class sign-ups.  All guests at The Half
are guaranteed the option to purchase a private class
during their stay.

Learn more about The Half, our private casita, which is currently open,
about The Epic, and all of the adventures that await you when you visit us!
Download our virtual guest book by clicking on it, below, or download at:

Book NOW at airbnb.airbnb button

Questions? Call us at


or email us at: