ChefsSandwichesThe Jazz Chef

The Roast Royce


 The Roast Royce

When you make some great beef, and have a little leftover, there is nothing better than a great steak sandwich. They don’t have to be hard or complex to make. It’s more of an understanding of how to get the most out of the ingredients. If you’re going to make the best of the beef, the keys to any great sandwich are portion control, ingredient balance, freshness, and texture control.  I use my World Pesto here as a key flavoring with a little pesto/chimichurri flare, the house made mayo for a little richness, and the slightly sharp, nutty-sweet Dubliner cheese from Kerrygold to give the sandwich bite, saltiness, and some balance of slightly grainy, well textured cheese to play off the soft top-of-the-line filet.

What You Need

(Per sandwich)

30-50g (1-2 oz.) pre-cooked and chilled filet or prime rib, defatted.
1 thin slice Kerrygold Dubliner cheese
2-3 tsps Jazz Chef World Pesto
10 g (.35 oz) Baby Spinach or Watercress or Baby Kale
1 tsp. Himalayan Pink Salt
2-3 tsps Mayonnaise Morello
Fresh ciabatta, torta or sourdough roll – Make your own or Costco’s LaBrea Bakery Torta rolls are really quite good†.


  1. Preheat an oven or toaster oven to 150°C/300°F
  2. Slice the bread with a serrated bread knife;
  3. Spread on the pesto and the mayo and set the bread aside;
  4. Wash the greens and put on a paper towel to drain. Pat the top-sides dry;
  5. Thin slice the meat, even if it’s in small bits, so that the meat is .32 cm / 1/8″ thick. Patience is your friend here. Portion should only stack up to .60cm / 1/4″ to balance out with the cheese. Remember to create a “flat” side cut and slice into the flat side to stabilize the meat that you’re working with here; Lay on the sandwich base. Very lightly salt the meat as you lay it on to give it some pop.
  6. Add the greens by putting the stems into the center, and the leafy edges around the edge of the sandwich. Makes for a more appealing look.
  7. Add the cheese and cap the sandwich.
  8. Place on a non-stick baking sheet in a preheated oven for 6-8 minutes to warm it up and serve immediately. Can also just be wrapped and served like revenge, a dish best served cold, later.


† If you’re going to use Costco’s breads and do it during the week, wrap them in plastic wrap and then put them in a freezer-proof bag and then freeze them. To defrost them, remove all of the plastic (toxic in a microwave) and wrap in a paper towel and put in your microwave for 1:00 min at 30% power.

The Jazz Chef
the authorThe Jazz Chef
Educating chef, managing editor, writer, blogger, filmmaker documentarian AND... in charge of the sheep dip. Ay-men!

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